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Monday, May 16, 2011

A new video from Step Back. THINK

watch this, and see that violence for WHATEVER reason, is not worth it, nor is it acceptable.

It's Male Time

We started off the organisation, a group of 3 girls(women). And we've found our first new male recruit. Talented in media & he will be an asset to our upcoming T-shirt campaign and future advertising.

Andrew Mai, is passionate about our cause and has been following us since day 1.

Welcome Andrew, and we thank you for your support.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Street brawl in Melbourne leaves 2 men in hospital

Click here to listen to the audio account of a recent Street Brawl in Melbourne in which a 19 year old Balwyn man was bashed unconscious and another 20 year old man was hit by bottles and sustained cuts & bruises and head injuries.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Less Profanity for Humanity

Your favourite kiwi Komal Nand wanted to share one of her favourite songs.

Listen to the lyrics.♥

"Listen, people listen,
Listen what i'm saying to you,
A little bit of justice & peace
But bring a little bit of love for everyone"

And have a wicked and safe Wednesday night if you're going out ♥

Lennons Love Peace.

You may say that (we are) dreamers
But (we're) not the only one(s) 
I hope someday you'll join us 
And the world will be as one(without violence)

Kill them with kindness.

As part of setting up this organisation, we've tried to be as un-patronizing as possible.
Here goes...

 WE know what goes down when you go out on the town. We know that sometimes the girls who drank too much keep pushing you over , we know that guys are acting macho and trying to be cool and it can get annoying. Let them be. By aggrevating anything you're just getting involved. We understand the lines are long and the waits get boring, why not strike up a friendly chat with the people next to you.

 Go out, have a good time, drink responsibly, SMILE at people. No need to be hostile, you may just make their night by being nice, you may become friends, you may even get their name so you can add them on facebook. In our opinion, and another man by the name of Mr. C. Sheen. that's called WINNING!

Appreciation Nation

Thankyou from the bottom of our hearts for all your support&love


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Violence is lame. Free taxi rides home are far from it.

If we gain enough support from you lovely people, we are going to launch a wristband scheme that allows you guys to get discounted or even free taxi rides home after a big night out. That means no waiting around for the nightrider, first train, or forking out the big bucks so you can wake up nursing your hangover in your own bed.

who doesn't LOVE the idea of a FREE taxi? support us & we will do our BEST to make this a reality.

Sorry we've been a little M.I.A lately!
This is fun-sized survey of 6 questions that will help us at ViolEND help you make your nights out a little bit safer! We'd love if you took 5 mins out of your day to answer these questions.


ViolEND xo

Monday, April 18, 2011

We're going to be promoting our cause at the "scene of the crime". Yep, we're coming to a club near you! Not to babysit, we promise we just want everyone to feel safe to let loose and have a good time without worrying about getting an ambulance home, so if you have any suggestions for how we can improve our campaign or if you have experiences you want to share (good or bad) of your nights out just leave a comment!
We're not telling you to stop drinking or having a good time. We're asking you to spread our message that violence doesn't solve anything. In fact, all it does is create pain and drama.

No drama = No bad karma & no criminal convinction. #winning

Sunday, April 17, 2011

John Lennon. No, he sadly is not a relation of our beautiful campaign co-director Emma Lennon. But they both think that we all should give Peace a chance.

Spare ten minutes of your life (we all love procrastination) to see how serious the problem of Street violence in Melbourne really is.

Why? Because we're sure that you don't want this to be you.
 Mission Statement

Our mission is to advocate against alcohol related violence within the adolescent community. As active members of this adolescent community ourselves, we believe that it is our moral imperative to educate our peers on the dangers of  alcohol and violence.
Through the use of social media outlets, we strive to spread our message that it is possible to have fun with your friends with alcohol safely.  Through shared personal experiences and proving it is not ‘cool’ to fight, we must change the ingrained social attitudes and perspectives of adolescents at risk of violence and promote the concept of safety throughout nightlife culture. We will be working in association with popular clubs within the Melbourne CBD, and promoting our messages throughout major events in the adolescent social calendars.
For adolescents in need of help or at risk of increased violence, we strive to support them through our campaigns messages and counselling if need be.
We want to create a socially amicable environment for adolescents to have fun with their friends without fear of violence.